The best way to find the most current photos and content is by visiting our Facebook page at Quinte Vitality and Social Support. You will see many exciting stories about what is happening here! Our page is managed by QVSS staff and the Media Makers program which is made up of clients that attend QVSS!
Facebook is the best place to find upcoming announcements, trip details, building closures, upcoming menus, and so much more! Be sure to like and share!
Check out this great video on self advocacy and knowing your rights!
QVSS is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
Copyright © 2024 Quinte Vitality and Social Support - All Rights Reserved.
Absences or Transportation Changes. If you need to inform staff and management about absences or transportation changes, please email or call (613) 968-5211 ext. 227 and leave a message. A quick phone call or email makes a huge difference! Thanks, everyone!